Ihre Stärken sind die Basis für unsere Zusammenarbeit, denn ich arbeite ressourcen- und lösungsorientiert. Zahlreiche Studien zeigen nämlich: worauf wir uns fokussieren, das wächst. Wollen wir uns also weiterentwickeln, so sollten wir uns auf unsere Stärken konzentrieren, anstatt unsere Schwächen zu korrigieren.
Der Fokus des Coachings liegt also nicht auf einer negativen Situation sondern auf Ihrem Wunsch nach Veränderung und den möglichen Lösungswegen, die Sie bereits in sich tragen. Vertrauen Sie dem Prozess und gönnen Sie sich neue Lebensenergie durch eine Veränderung!
Awareness. Development. Fulfillment.
Success based on your strengths!
Your success - however how you may define it - lies in your strengths, this is what I strongly believe. Therefore,
I concentrate on your resources instead of improving your weaknesses. I encourage leaders to work with their strengths and the strengths of their team, it has proven more successful and it is so much more fun! And this is where you will find true competitive advantage, unfold your potential as leader and experience happiness and well-being. It is my pleaseure to support you on this journey.
Let us talk about how I can support you! I offer coachings in German and English and while I am based in Zurich coachings can be held on Skype or phone as well. I offer a complementary coaching (30 minutes) to discuss what you would like to achieve. This way you get to know me and find out how I work. Trust is an important basis for a successful coaching.
Life coachings for private clients:
CHF 240/90 minutes
Coachings can be paid on credit card, bank Transfer, using PayPal or Twint.